2017 Annual Golf Outing

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2017 Annual Golf Outing 2018-07-24T17:48:00-04:00

The 2017 Annual Golf Outing

The 2017 Annual Golf Outing Fundraiser will be held Monday, September 25th, at the Pinnacle Golf Club in Grove City, Ohio.(www.pinnaclegc.com)

Grand Commodore Alan Stockmeister presents the 2016 Golf Outing Champions a Trophy.

Grand Commodore Alan Stockmeister, Andrew Huffman and Victor Hipsley. (Missing from picture: Brooke Cheney and Richard Hillis)

The 2016 Golf Committee Co-Chairmen

Victor Hipsley

Victor Hipsley

John McGough

John McGough

Ike Stage

Ike Stage

Robert Roach

Robert Roach

Special thanks to the 2016 Golf Outing Committee and everyone that worked to make the 2016 Golf Outing a success!

Mike Adelman
James Baker
Tim Barhorst
Jacob Bell
James Blazer
Steve Carpenter
Sean Cogan
Janine Conrad
Steve Cuckler
Bob Doyle
Steve Evans
Michael Farley
Daryl Gates
Richard Hillis
Len Hortsman
David Johns
Richard Lewis
Brad Long
John Mahaney, Jr.
Don Majcher
Greg Maurer
David Meeks

Mike Meloy
Mike Miller
Bill Morgan
Jason Paduchik
Ted Prasse
Doug Preisse
Ginni Ragan
Clyde Rauch
Nick Rees
Brad Reynolds
Traci Saliba
Ron Seiffert
Ken Sherman
Joao Simoes
Jamie Sisto
Tom Starr
Mike Stinziano
Alan Stockmeister
Trent Troyer
Phil Trueblood
Bill Wappner
Bud Winzenried
Ryan Wright

Lunch Sponsors: Fleet Commodore Sam Covelli and
Commodore Ryan & Carol Wright
Ginni Ragan for sponsoring the Skilled Prizes
Richard Hillis for sponsoring the Putting Contest
Steve and Becky Evans for providing Steve Evans Sausage for the Outing

Rachel Landerman
Commodore Brad Long
Commodore Ginni Ragan
Commodore Thomas Starr
for staffing the day’s events &
Special Guest auctioneer Commodore Steve Landerman

The Wholesale Beer & Wine Assoc.
The Law Firm of Lumpe & Raber

Anthem Blue Cross
Columbus 2020
Duke Energy
Government Strategies
Heidelberg Distributing
Hocking Valley Bank
Huntington Bank
Ohio Council of Retail Merchants
Clyde Rauch – Touchstone CPM & Tuttle Services
Reineke Family Dealerships
RH Resources
Bob & Libby Roach
Alan & Susan Stockmeister
T. Marzetti Company
University of Rio Grande & Rio Grande Community College
Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP
RH Resources
Bob & Libby Roach
Alan & Susan Stockmeister
Van Meter & Ashbrook
VORYS Advisors

Jacob Bell
Keith Brooks
Sam Covelli
Jeff DeLeone
Demotech – Joe Petrelli
Experience Columbus
Julie Johnson
Thomas W. Johnson
John Jones
Roger King
Richard Lewis
Brad Long
Greg Maurer
John McGough
Ross McGregor
Ohio Lottery
Rod Sommer
Phil Trueblood
Udder Smooth
Tom Withgott